It's Happened Again Folks: North Korea Detains Yet Another US Citizen

North Korea's ruler Kim Jong-Un
Kim Jong-Un's boys have detained yet another American, a guy of Asian descent known as Kim Hak-song on suspicion of hostile acts against the state. He is the fourth American to be detained by North Korea with the others being Kim Dong-Chul (arrested in 2015), Otto Warmbier, a university student (arrested in 2016),  and Tony Kim, a professor  (arrested just last month, April).
It seems the frosty US/North Korea relationship just got frostier. However, and maybe on the bright side, it is said that President Donald Trump has decided to meet with the young caesar in Pyongyang. For the sake of peace, let's hope he puts his best foot forward. For more on this story, please visit POLITICO.


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