One of The Most Evil Games On Earth: The Taharrush Game (Taharrush Gamea)
A game? They cannot be serious! When did sexual molestation become a game? What sort of perverted minds come up with such games? What kind of men partake in such a game? These were my sentiments when I first heard about the game that has become the subject of discussion over the past few days in Europe and other parts of the world. What game am I talking about you may ask? The "Taharrush Game," also known as "Taharrush Gamea"; that is the evil game I am talking about. And its rules are simple.
A large group of men at a mass gathering, usually a protest, surround an unfortunate, lone woman and sexually assault her by groping, and in more extreme cases, raping her. According recent articles by India Times and Daily Mail there is a strategy for the successful playing of taharrush gamea.
Usually, two or more circles or rings of men are involved in the "game." The innermost circle or ring does the groping and raping of the woman. The middle, or second circle, is made up of spectators; every "game" needs spectators for it to be fun. And finally, the outermost circle diverts the attention of other protesters, police, and every other person who may not look favourably on the sinister "game" being played.
I was shocked to learn that some men act like they are trying to help the woman; this must help facilitate the successful playing of the game as the woman is most likely to turn to such men for support and anti-taharrush gamea observers would feel the sexual violence is already being halted by these men, thus causing them to focus their attention on other things, such as the issue they came out to protest against. My shock stemmed from the fact that I had actually thought the men I had seen in a video "trying to stop" the assault of a woman at a protest that occurred during the Arab Spring of 2011 were actually trying to help her. I mean, what else was I supposed to think? It is natural for some men to want to end sexual violence is it not? Silly me; those men were actually facilitators of the sordid "game." You can see such men in the disturbing video (below) of the game being played.
This game is said to have originated in Arab lands, specifically Egypt; however, it has been imported into Europe by Arab refugees and asylum seekers from Egypt, Syria and Libya according to the German Federal Criminal Police Office, BKA. Taharrush Gamea first entered the consciousness of the people outside the Arab world with the assault of CBS reporter Lara Logan in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, in 2011.
Video Source: Live Leak
Now that you have read and watched the video I believe you have an understanding of the horrors the women in Cologne, Germany allegedly suffered at the hands of immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East.
A large group of men at a mass gathering, usually a protest, surround an unfortunate, lone woman and sexually assault her by groping, and in more extreme cases, raping her. According recent articles by India Times and Daily Mail there is a strategy for the successful playing of taharrush gamea.
Usually, two or more circles or rings of men are involved in the "game." The innermost circle or ring does the groping and raping of the woman. The middle, or second circle, is made up of spectators; every "game" needs spectators for it to be fun. And finally, the outermost circle diverts the attention of other protesters, police, and every other person who may not look favourably on the sinister "game" being played.
I was shocked to learn that some men act like they are trying to help the woman; this must help facilitate the successful playing of the game as the woman is most likely to turn to such men for support and anti-taharrush gamea observers would feel the sexual violence is already being halted by these men, thus causing them to focus their attention on other things, such as the issue they came out to protest against. My shock stemmed from the fact that I had actually thought the men I had seen in a video "trying to stop" the assault of a woman at a protest that occurred during the Arab Spring of 2011 were actually trying to help her. I mean, what else was I supposed to think? It is natural for some men to want to end sexual violence is it not? Silly me; those men were actually facilitators of the sordid "game." You can see such men in the disturbing video (below) of the game being played.
This game is said to have originated in Arab lands, specifically Egypt; however, it has been imported into Europe by Arab refugees and asylum seekers from Egypt, Syria and Libya according to the German Federal Criminal Police Office, BKA. Taharrush Gamea first entered the consciousness of the people outside the Arab world with the assault of CBS reporter Lara Logan in Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt, in 2011.
Now that you have read and watched the video I believe you have an understanding of the horrors the women in Cologne, Germany allegedly suffered at the hands of immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East.
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