19 German Stereotypes That Make No Sense To The Rest Of The World

Image result for bernd das brot
Never Happy Bernd das Brot
Source: KIKA
There are some things that the Germans do and/or like that are quite unique to them - This can also be said about every other culture I guess. Two of the more popular attributes of Germans are their extremely high levels of efficiency and technical excellence.  However, there are other things that they do and/or like (such as the ever-depressed dude above known as Bernd das Brot or Bernd the Bread in English) that are quite unique to them, and a twitter user known as Lola (@alessiasdua) made a thread about some of these things. Anna Aridzanjan of Buzzfeed was nice enough to throw the spotlight on Lola's thread and you can find Anna's article at BuzzFeed.


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