Weird stuff goes on in every corner of this world no doubt, but the Japanese take the cake in the weird stakes. Following shortly are a few examples of weirdness unique to Japan. Enjoy- If you can.

1. Inemuri. 

In most countries- at least I can vouch for Nigeria, Ghana, The United Kingdom and The United 
States of America- sleeping on the job is frowned upon. However in Japan, it is the exact opposite. Inemuri (napping on the job)is seen as evidence that the sleeper has worked so hard his system just had to shut down for a while. Yeah I know, that sounds plain stupid, but forgive me for wishing it were so in other parts of the world. There are rules to the game of Inemuri however and one of them is that the sleeper must sleep upright. Not so hard for me, trust me.

Source: http://www.tristanvick.com

Source: http://www.accountant-tokyo.com

2. The cuddle cafe
Japan has cafes that cater to a man's- and I guess a woman's- need for some love, affection and warm humanly touch. These establishments are known as Soine-ya with the first of its kind opening in Tokyo last year. In these Soine-ya a.k.a Cuddle cafes, a client pays some money to lie next to a pretty girl and hug her and kiss her - I really don't know about the kissing part though- and stare into her eyes for a period of time in absolute, eerie silence. 1000 yen will get you the mutual, "relaxing" eye-staring for a minute and the same amount will earn you three minutes of stroking the damsel's hair lovingly. Lots of people would find this absolutely crazy, but to me the jury is out on whether this a business born of a culture that is comfortable with weirdness or a practical solution to the problem of boredom and loneliness in a very fast-paced, technology-driven (no, technology-insane|) country like Japan.



3. Raw love
The Japanese seem to be big on raw food. Kind of makes me think that their palates are quite different from those of almost every other nationality in the world- with the exception of the Chinese of course. I've always known of sushi (raw fish) but today I just heard of basashi (raw horse meat). Yep, you read it right, Raw Horse Meat! I mean, why on earth would I want to eat that? At least, can't I have it grilled with some chips on the side? It is touted to have some serious health benefits though, but err.... I'll pass.

Source: http://listverse.com

4. Capsule Hotels
This one is nothing short of scary, especially as I am one big claustrophobe. It's a no no for me. I mean, how comfortable can it be? What if there is a fire in the hotel. Chances are that you get well-cooked like a turkey in an oven. Hell no, not for me. How the dude in the picture below looks so relaxed and is surfing the internet in that cage-like box beats me. I just get the feeling he feels very much at home and isn't thinking outside the box (corny I know).

Source: http://edan77.blogspot.co.uk    I mean, doesn't he look so at home?

Source: http://edan77.blogspot.co.uk     Just hanging out. Maybe they'll soon have offices like this

5. Used panties vending machines
Too weird or too funny to be true? Go on, do some research on it. All I have to say is, only the most depraved of the depraved can come up with such an idea for a business. Guess business is a function of society. I mean, imagine an entrepreneur in Nigeria or Britain going to the back for a loan and presenting them with a business plan for a used panties vending machine venture. Or better still, imagine an entrepreneur on dragon's den presenting such a plan for such a business. Enough said. Still don't believe, look at the pics below.

6. Male bras
OMG, What the f---?

Source:  http://en.rocketnews24.com  Men's premium brassiere indeed! What the f...

Visit the source of the pic and read up. According to the website, some male patrons of the product in Britain say that it makes them feel protected. WTF.  You want to feel protected? Go learn a martial art, buy a pitbull, a hyena or a real good knife. But don't you go around wearing a bra! WHAT THE F---!

These are just a few of the numerous examples that about of weirdness that is unique to the East Asian country. For further convincing of Japan's love for the bizarre you can try the following links:





There are hundreds of links on the internet for anyone interested in further exploring this subject. I will definitely make a part two on Weird Japan. Most definitely!


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