He Went From Shattered Dreams To The Achievement Of A New Dream

Source : Robelinda2 (Youtube Channel)
The cricketer above who screams and falls over while running to deliver a bowl is former England bowler David Syd Lawrence. He shattered his kneecap in a test against New Zealand in the capital, Wellington in 1992. He never played cricket again, at least professionally. Fast forward 22 years into the future, and guess what he has become, at the young age of 50. Well, watch the video below to find out. Let this video teach you this lesson: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO THEM THAT BELIEVE!!!
Source: Time News (Youtube Channel)
For the video of David Syd Lawrence posing and winning the trophy, visit https://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/world-of-sport/ex-england-star-s-remarkable-journey-to-become-bodybuilding-champion-115526279.html?vp=1.


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