Rats Eat Their Fill In A Russian Bakery
The video below is one of the main reasons why I am always apprehensive about eating outside. I mean, regardless of how upscale a restaurant, bakery or whatever else place that makes and sells food is, no one can guarantee that the food has been produced and stored to the highest standards of hygiene and health and safety. This is definitely not the first time I am hearing about, or seeing a food establishment overrun with vermin. The presence of rats in the bakery would be understandable and explainable if the bakery sold RATatouille, but it being a bakery and ratatouille being a vegetarian dish, I guess that is most unlikely.
One has to wonder if any of these Russians watching and recording the rat spectacle decided to rat on the bakery.
Source: SSA Videos (Youtube Channel)
One has to wonder if any of these Russians watching and recording the rat spectacle decided to rat on the bakery.
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