Russian Women Pay Top Dollar For Love In "Women Only" Clubs

There was a time when the "adult" job of stripping - stripteasing or whatever else people call it these days - was the sole preserve of women who had no qualms with taking off their clothes to be ogled at by leering men, in order to earn a living. Gone are those days. Now, in various cities of the world, men mount stages and take off their clothes to the delight of women of virtually all ages, from those still in their teens but old enough to be at such shows, to those old enough to be termed "senior citizens".
A wild night at Marusya.
Excited  ladies jaunt into Marusya.
Indeed the       attendance of  strip shows performed by male strippers has become a rite of passage for women in certain cultures, especially in Europe and America. The Hen Night, a night of all kinds of excesses - especially of the sexual kind -  for the bride-to-be and her friends, is nothing short of a tradition in Britain. On such nights, a visit to a male strip club or a strip show performed by a travelling troupe of male strippers is the norm. One could assume that that is the case in Russia too - or at least Moscow - given the presence and apparent popularity of night clubs that cater to female needs such as Moscow Marusya and Little Red Riding Hood.
In Moscow Marusya, there are private rooms in which the women can spend some "private time" with any male stripper that catches their fancy. Anything goes during this "private time" and in a country increasingly becoming notorious for its men loving their drink more than their women, I guess it is not hard to imagine what goes on during this private time. The baffling thing is that some of the female patrons of these clubs are not actually bad-looking as can be seen from the pictures in this article, so why on earth do they go out and pay as much as 2,000 US dollars for a fantasy? This I do not understand.
Client Ksiena in a private room with her favourite.... prostitute?

She's in love with a stripper


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