1. Goji Play
For years I have dreamed of cardio machines that make cardiovascular exercises more fun and it is nice to see it become a reality ,although it is a bit painful as I wish I were the one who developed the Goji. I feel like I was robbed of my idea  and the opportunity to patent it. The guys behind the Goji owe me some serious cash. However, I did not have a detachable device in mind. I always dreamt of a device that came attached to the treadmill or stationary bike and the games had something to do with the machine it was on. In other words, on the treadmill you played a running game and on the bike, you place a biking game. That makes much more sense than boxing on a treadmill or bike. Still a very lovely gadget anyway. Props to the makers, the same guys behind guitar hero.

For more on Goji Play visit http://www.coolthings.com/goji-play/
This stuff is not only good for those who find exercising boring or those who love games but loathe working out. This is also ideal for those who are game freaks as well as fitness freaks. People like me.

2. U-Boat Worx C-Explorer 5
What man would not love to own his own submarine, no matter how small it is? Indeed, the size of the U-Boat Worx C-Explorer contributes to its cool factor. From the video and pictures it seems to be the size of an S.U.V. Imagine being able to hop into one of these and go for an underwater trip with two or three of your buddies. Just pray there is no mechanical malfunction while submerged. There are better ways to go. I would get one but this contraption is too cheap for me. You can get one for a measly 2.7 million dollars. I will wait for the more expensive, luxury model so I can see the fishes in style thank you.

Looks like something out of a James Bond movie. Bet Bond would really be pleased with this

The above video is of Russian President Vladimir Putin going for a swim in the lovely little red and black machine.
For more on U-Boat Worx C- eXPLORER 5 (they better give it a better name) visit http://www.coolthings.com/u-boat-worx-c-explorer-5/ .

3. Gigabyte P35K Ultrablade

Being a keen gamer, I have dreamed for quite a long time of a laptop that could double as a gaming device and provide a gaming experience that could rival and even beat that provided by the best consoles out at that moment. It seems the Gigabyte P35K Ultrablade has the potential to give me the experience I crave. The Gigabyte is a powerful gaming laptop according to its specs. Weighing a mere 2.1 kg, it is the lightest gaming laptop of its dimensions on earth. Some of its amazing specs are :
  • 15.6 inch full HD screen
  • 4th Generation 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7 processor (can be increased to 3.4 GHZ)
  • 2 GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 765M graphics card
  • 16GB RAM

4. Google ChromeCast
I am one of the millions of people on earth who absolutely hate cables and would love everything in the world to be wireless. Hence I just had to add this nifty little piece of hardware to my top gadgets of the past 1 year plus. 
The idea of just throwing videos and pictures onto the big screen without the need for  HDMI cable greatly appeals to me. It means fewer wires to get tangled up in an unsightly mess. Sounds good to me.

5. Oculus Rift Development Kit 
Source: http://www.t3.com/features/best-tech/gigabyte-ultrablade-624-jpg
The discerning must have guessed by now that I am a real game freak. So it should come as no surprise that another gaming gadget  makes it to the least. There have been several virtual-reality gaming devices released in the past but none have lived up to the hype that preceded them, so it might seem a dumb choice to put such a device on this list. However, the kid in me who would love the idea virtual-reality gaming could not resist. The Occulus Rift was available to game developers in 2013 and should be available to gamers in 2014. Check out the pics, do some more research on not just the product but the whole idea of virtual reality and tell me you are not excited about this kit. If you are not, it must be because you are not a true hardcore gamer like some of us are. Too bad.

6 Google Glass
Just the look of this device makes it worthy of this list. I am talking about the futuristic, sci-fi, star-warsy look the Google Glass possesses. Add to that its functions such as picture-taking and e-mailing, while viewing what you are doing on the microdisplay and you know that it deserves one of the top spots on anybody's list of coolest gadgets ever. At a price of 1500 US dollars as at 2013 it is still out of the reach of most people, but the die-hard techies will definitely sell an arm and a leg to get their paws on this device. Of that I'm sure.

7. The LiveScribe 3 Smart Pen
This is for all the writers who do not feel as comfortable typing on a keyboard as they do writing with a pen. I am talking about people like myself.

LiveScribe Smart Pen writing on Dot Paper http://www.livescribe.com/uk/smartpen/ls3/features.html

Bluetooth Smart technology speedily connects your smart pen to your smartphone or tablet and also prolongs the battery life of the pen (as shown above). Truly smart isn't it!
According to http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/feature/2320524/the-best-gadgets-of-2013 the third iteration of this product was launched in autumn of 2013. The best thing about this gadget is the instant storage of whatever is written using Bluetooth Smart LE technology, transferring whatever is written on Livescribe dot paper - a special paper that comes with the device- to an iOS device like an iphone or ipad via Livescribe+ app. All I have left to say is I  would definitely recommend all writers who have 129 British pounds to spare to do the smart thing and get this smart pen right away and begin to write away.

Livescribe Dot  Paper http://www.livescribe.com 

Abominable name aside (Some websites call it the VEGA Tegra), this here is one hell of a slate. Although I had it in my hands for just a few hours, I must say that this is a most powerful device. It features the fastest mobile preocessor, NVIDIA Tegra 4 making it the ultimate mobile  gamer's dream. it comes with a stylus too, fantastic for artists and writers (and those chic individuals who just like to have a stylus). It has a Micro HDMI port (so you can play your games on a big HD screen), a microSD card port and a whole lot of other cool stuff that makes it a great tablet.This is an extraordinary product of an excellent partnership between NVIDIA and EVGA. It is so so good, other companies have decided to make clones of it (definitely with Nvidia's blessings). One of such clones id the HP Slate 7 Extreme. You can check the HP clone  out too at http://www.shopping.hp.com/en_US/home-office/-/products/Tablets/Slate/F4C58UA?HP-Slate7-Extreme.
Face: http://www.evga.com
Backside (yeah) http://www.evga.com

The major con of this device is its not-so-great (but good enough) screen which has a resolution of 1280x800. Still a fantastic tablet for gamers and artists like me. At 139.99 GBP it is quite affordable too (if you have a job).

Stay tuned for another 8 really cool stuff made in 2013/2014. See ya.

