Picture: PIXABAY
A Computer software designed to solve murder cases has been creating some of the creepiest poetry known to man. CARMEL, created by artificial intelligence (AI) and linguistics expert, Kevin Knight, has been trying to decode one of history's most unbreakable ciphers.

The identity of the Zodiac Killer who killed as many as 37 people when he was active in the 60s, is still a mystery. 

As a part of the killer's modus operandi, codes, ciphers and abstract symbols were sent by the killer to the police department and local media.

Kevin Knight, a professor at the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute, fed all the information on the Zodiac Killer to CARMEL hoping that it would crack the code.

CARMEL, according to History, took the data and produced some of the scariest poetry ever known to man, including this one:

Existence enters your entire nation.
A twisted mind reveals becoming manic,
An endless modern ending medication,
Another rotten soul becomes dynamic.
Or under pressure on genetic tests.
Surrounded by controlling my depression,
And only human torture never rests,
Or maybe you expect an easy lesson…
History has more of the scary poetry.


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