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Ayam Cemani aka The Black Knight
Picture: Kangwira
The Ayam Cemani chicken is native to Indonesia and is black from the comb on its head to the soles of its feet. It gets its name from the Indonesian word for chicken, "Ayam," and the Javanese word for black, "Cemani." At least, so say some sources of information on this unique breed of chicken. Other sources have "Cemani" as being the Javanese village where this breed originates from.

As stated earlier, every part of this beautiful creature is black, and its meat, organs and bones are no exceptions. The reason for its immense blackness is a phenomenon known as fibromelanosis or hyperpigmentation - try no to bite your tongue on either of those words. Even its blood is black! Sike! That was a joke. I just couldn't resist the urge to say that. The blood of the Ayam Cemani is red, like every other animal on the planet.

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Look at that delicious black meat!!!
Seriously, this or the regular chicken behind it? Which would you eat?
Picture: Reanna Pinterest
Ayam Cemani are highly-valued in the marketplace and some have sold for as high as $2500 in the United States. Before you rich dudes go out with wads of cash in search of Ayam Cemani to buy, be aware that if you do not live in Asia, it can be immensely hard to get your hands on one of these highly-prized birds.

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 Chicki Minaj aka Silkie
Picture: Benjamint444

Ayam Cemani are not the only breed of chicken whose meat, bones and organs are black. Silkies also possess these attributes. However, Ayam Cemani are not to be confused with Silkies. Unlike Ayam Cemani who look like the extra-black version of any other run-of-the-mill chicken, Silkies look like the rappers - and the pimps - of the chicken world, with their fur-like, fluffy feathers. Silkie roosters don't have combs or crests on their heads like every other rooster. Instead, they have the same fur-like, fluffy feathers that they have on their bodies, on their heads. They look like they have the hood of their expensive fur hoodie up.

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Nicki Minaj, the muse of  the Silkies
The Ayam Cemani has to be the toughest-looking, handsomest breed of chicken on the planet. A superhero of sorts of the chicken world. I mean, look at the bird in the first picture. Doesn't it look like it should be Batman's side-kick and not that weak-looking Robin of a dude?


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